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Table of Contents
    Unit 1: Scientific Foundations of Psychology

  • Major historical figures in psychology

  • Theoretical approaches to describing behavior

  • Branches of psychology

  • A variety of research methods used by psychologists

  • The application of research design and statistical analysis in psychology

  • Ethical guidelines

    Unit 2: Biological Bases of Behavior

  • The interaction of inherited traits, environment, and evolution in shaping behavior

  • Structures and functions of biological systems, including the endocrine system and nervous system

  • Brain function, neural firing, and the influence of medication

  • The study of the brain and research techniques for studying its structure and function

  • States of consciousness, including sleeping and dreaming

  • Addiction and drug dependence

    Unit 3: Sensation & Perception

  • Basic principles of how humans experience and process stimuli

  • The role of experience and culture in perception

  • The mechanisms of the 5 senses and sensory disorders

    Unit 4: Learning

  • Influential researchers and theories of learning

  • Results of famous learning experiments

  • Types of learning

  • Types of conditioning and their effects

  • Social and cognitive factors in learning Unit 5: Cognitive Psychology

  • The cognitive and physiological processes that make up memory

  • Forgetting and typical memory errors

  • The biological basis of short- and long-term memory

  • Creative thinking and problem-solving strategies

  • Biases and errors in thinking

  • Defining and measuring intelligence

  • The processes of learning and using language

    Unit 6: Developmental psychology

  • Physical and social development in childhood

  • Theories of cognitive development in childhood

  • Adolescent development and challenges

  • Adulthood and aging

  • Theories of moral development

  • Gender and sexual orientation

    Unit 7: Motivation, Emotion, & Personality

  • Theories of motivation behind human and animal behavior

  • Major theories of emotion

  • The effects of stress

  • Conceptions of personality, including behaviorist, social cognitive, humanistic, and trait theories

  • Research and assessments to measure personality

    Unit 8: Clinical Psychology

  • Standards for diagnosing and approaches to explaining psychological disorders

  • Neurodevelopmental and schizophrenic spectrum disorders

  • Bipolar, depressive, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders

  • Dissociative, somatic, and trauma- and stress-related disorders

  • Substance abuse, eating disorders, personality disorders, and related conditions

  • Historical developments in psychological treatment

  • Modern treatment options and methods

    Unit 9: Social Psychology

  • How social and cultural categories like gender and race can impact self-concept and behavior

  • The factors that lead people to form and change attitudes

  • Group dynamics, including conformity, compliance, and obedience to authority

  • Types of behavior caused by the presence of others

  • Bias, prejudice, and discrimination

  • Altruism and aggression

  • The variables that contribute to attraction

Psychology Notes

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